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Selected Publications

For reprints, please feel free to email Jill (jta24(at)uga(dot)edu).

For all publications please visit Jill Anderson's Google Scholar page

* indicates trainee in Anderson lab (postdoc, technician, undergraduate or graduate student)

  1. Jameel, M.I.*, Duncan, L., Mooney, K., and Anderson, J.T., 2024. Herbivory and water availability interact to shape the adaptive landscape in the perennial forb, Boechera stricta. Evolution.
  2. Denney, D.A.*, Patel, P.* and Anderson, J.T., 2024. Elevated [CO2] and temperature augment gas exchange and shift the fitness landscape in a montane forb. New Phytologist.
  3. Day Briggs, S*, Anderson, J.T., 2024. The effect of global change on the expression and evolution of floral traits, Annals of Botany.
  4. MacTavish R*, Anderson JT., 2022. Water and nutrient availability exert selection on reproductive phenology. American Journal of Botany 109: 1702–1716.
  5. Hamann, E.*, C. Blevins*, Steven J. Franks, M. Inam Jameel*, J. T. Anderson, 2021. Tansley Review: Climate change alters plant-herbivore interactions. New Phytologist. 229(4): 1894-1910.
  6. Hamann, E.*, Wadgymar, S., and Anderson, J.T., 2021. Climate change alters costs of reproduction. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 288 (1948), 20203134.
  7. Anderson, J.T., M. Inam Jameel*, and M. A. Geber, 2021. Selection favors adaptive plasticity in a long-term reciprocal transplant experiment. Evolution. 75(7): 1711-1726.
  8. Araujo, J., S. Correa, J. Penha, J.T. Anderson, A. Traveset, 2021. Cryptic function loss: the effect of body size reduction of frugivorous fishes on seed dispersal and  predation networks. Journal of Applied Ecology.
  9. Song, B.-H., and Anderson, J.T., 2020. Plant climate change adaptation-where are we? Journal of Systematics and Evolution. 58(5): 533-545.
  10. Hamann, E.*, D. Denney*, S. Day*, Elizabeth Lombardi, M.I. Jameel*, Rachel MacTavish*, J.T. Anderson, 2020. Plant eco-evolutionary responses to climate change: Emerging directions. Plant Science.
  11. Araujo, J., S. Correa, J.T. Anderson, J. Penha, 2020. Fruit preferences by fishes in a Neotropical floodplain. Biotropica.
  12. Denney, D.*, M.I. Jameel*, J. Bemmels*, M. Rochford*, and J.T. Anderson, 2020. Small spaces, Big impacts: Contributions of microenvironmental variation to population persistence under climate change. AoB Plants. 12(2): plaa005
  13. MacTavish, R.* and J.T. Anderson, 2020. Resource availability alters fitness trade-offs: implications for evolution in stressful environments. American Journal of Botany. 107(2):1-11.
  14. Anderson, J.T. and S. Wadgymar*, 2020. Climate change disrupts local adaptation and favours upslope migration. Ecology Letters. 23(1): 181-192.
  15. Denney, D.* and J.T. Anderson, 2019. Natural history collections document biological responses to climate change. Global Change Biology.
  16. Bemmels, J.* and J.T. Anderson, 2019. Climate change shifts natural selection and the adaptive potential of the perennial forb Boechera stricta in the Rocky Mountains. Evolution. 73(11): 2247-2262.
  17. Wadgymar*, S., R. MacTavish*, J.T. Anderson, 2019. Evolutionary Consequences of Climate Change. Ecosystem Consequences of Soil Warming. Edited by J. Mohan. Published by Elsevier, Chapter 2: pp. 29-59.
  18. Mohan, J.E., S. Wadgymar*, D. E. Winkler, J. T. Anderson, P. T. Frankson, R. Hannifin, K. Benavides, L. M. Kueppers, and J. M. Melillo, 2019. Plant reproductive fitness and phenology responses to climate warming. Ecosystem Consequences of Soil Warming. Edited by J. Mohan. Published by Elsevier, Chapter 3: pp. 61-102.
  19. S. Wadgymar*, R.M. Mactavish*, and J.T. Anderson, 2018. Transgenerational and within-generation plasticity in response to climate change: Insights from a manipulative field experiment across an elevational gradient. The American Naturalist. 192(6): 698-714.
  20. Raul Costa-Pereira, C. Lucas, M. Crossa, J.T. Anderson, B. Weiss Albuquerque, E. P. Dary, M. T. F. Piedade, L. O. Demarchi, E. R. Rebouças, G. da S. Costa, M. Galetti and S.B. Correa*. Defaunation shadow on mutualistic interactions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.
  21. S. Wadgymar*, J. Ogilvie, D. Inouye, A. Weis, J.T. Anderson, 2018. Phenological responses to multiple environmental drivers under climate change: insights from a long-term observational study and a manipulative field experiment. New Phytologist. 218: 517-529.
  22. P. Vaidya*, A. McDurmon*, E. Mattoon*, M. Keefe, L. Carley, C.-R. Lee, R. Bingham, and J.T. Anderson, 2018. Ecological causes and consequences of flower-color polymorphism in a self-pollinating plant (Boechera stricta). New Phytologist. 218(1): 380-392.
  23. S. Correa*, P.C. de Oliveira, C. Nunes da Cunha, J. Penha, and J.T. Anderson, 2018. Water and fish select for fleshy fruits in tropical wetland forests. Biotropica. 50: 312-318.
  24. S. Wadgymar*, D. Lowry, C. Byron, B. Gould, R. Mactavish*, and J.T. Anderson, 2017. Identifying targets and agents of selection: Innovative methods to evaluate the processes that contribute to local adaptation. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 8: 738-749
  25. S. Wadgymar*, S.C. Daws* and J.T. Anderson, 2017. Integrating temporal viability and fecundity selection to illuminate the adaptive nature of genetic clines. Evolution Letters 1: 26-39.
  26. R. Colautti, J. Ågren and J.T. Anderson, 2017. Phenological shifts under climate change: the Boecehra-Lythrum model. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 372(1712): 20160032. All authors contributed equally.
  27. S. Correa*, J. K. Arujo*, J. Penha, C Nunes da Cunha, K. E. Bobier*, J.T. Anderson, 2016. Stability and generalization in seed dispersal networks: A case study of frugivorous fish in Neotropical wetlands. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences. DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2016.1267
  28. K. M. Becklin, J. T. Anderson, L. M. Gerhart, S. M. Wadgymar*, C A. Wessinger, and J. K. Ward, 2016. Examining plant physiological responses to climate change through an evolutionary lens. Plant Physiology. 172(2): 635-649. All authors contributed equally.
  29. S. Correa* and J.T. Anderson, 2016. A nondestructive sampling protocol for field studies of seed dispersal by fish. Journal of Fish Biology. 88(5): 1989-2003.
  30. J.T. Anderson, 2016. Plant fitness in a rapidly changing world. New Phytologist. 210: 81-87.
  31. A.J. Manzaneda, P. Rey, J.T. Anderson, E. Raskin, C. Weiss-Lehman, and T. Mitchell-Olds, 2015.  Natural variation, differentiation, and genetic trade-offs of ecophysiological traits in response to water limitation in Brachypodium distachyon and its descendent allotetraploid B. hybridum (Poaceae). Evolution. 69(10): 2689-2704.
  32. J.T. Anderson, N. Perera, B. Chowdhury*, T. Mitchell-Olds, 2015. Microgeographic patterns of genetic divergence and adaptation across environmental gradients in Boechera stricta (Brassicaceae). The American Naturalist. 186(S1): S60-S73.
  33. S. Correa*, R. Costa-Pereira*, T. Fleming, M. Goulding, J.T. Anderson, 2015. Neotropical fruit-fish interactions: eco-evolutionary dynamics and conservation. Biological Reviews.  90(4): 1263-1278.
  34. J.T. Anderson, V. Eckhart, and M.A. Geber, 2015. Experimental studies of adaptation in Clarkia xantiana. III. Phenotypic selection across a subspecies border. Evolution. 69 (9): 2249-2261.
  35. S. Correa*, J. Araujo*, J. Penha, C. Nunes Da Cunha, P. Stevenson, J.T. Anderson, 2015. Overfishing disrupts an ancient mutualism between frugivorous fish and plants in Neotropical wetlands. Biological Conservation. 191: 159-167
  36. J.T. Anderson and Z. Gezon, 2015. Plasticity in functional traits in the context ofclimate change: A case study of the subalpine forb Boechera stricta (Brassicaceae). Global Change Biology. 21(4): 1689-1703.
  37. C.-R. Lee, J.T. Anderson, T. Mitchell-Olds, 2014. Unifying genetic canalization, genetic constraint, and genotype-by-environment interaction: QTL by genomic background by environment interaction of flowering time in Boechera stricta. PLoS Genetics. 10(10): e1004727.
  38. J.T. Anderson, C.-R. Lee and T. Mitchell-Olds, 2014.  Strong selection genome-wide enhances fitness tradeoffs across environments and episodes of selection. Evolution. 68(1): 16-31.
  39. J.T. Anderson +, M. Wagner+, K. Prasad, C. Rushworth, and T. Mitchell-Olds, 2014.The evolution of quantitative traits in complex environments. Heredity. 112: 4-12. + Equal contributions.
  40. C. Topp, A. Iyer-Pascuzzi, J.T. Anderson, C.-R. Lee, P. Zurek, O. Symonova, Y. Zheng, A. Bucksch, Y. Mileyko, T. Galkovsky, B. Moore, J. Harer, H. Edelsbrunner, T. Mitchell-Olds, J. Weitz, and P.N. Benfey, 2013.  Three-dimensional modeling and high-resolution phenotyping of living root systems identifies dozens of QTL controlling root architecture of rice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 110(18): E1695-E1704.
  41. B. Krizek and J.T. Anderson, 2013.  Control of flower size. Journal of Experimental Botany. 64(6): 1427-1437.
  42. J.T. Anderson, C.-R. Lee, C. Rushworth, R. Colautti, and T. Mitchell-Olds, 2013. Genetic tradeoffs and conditional neutrality contribute to local adaptation.  Molecular Ecology. 22(3): 699-708
  43. J.T. Anderson, A.M. Panetta and T. Mitchell-Olds, 2012. Evolutionary and ecological responses to anthropogenic climate change. Plant Physiology. 160: 1728-1740.
  44. K. Prasad, B.-H. Song, C. Olson-Manning, J.T. Anderson, C.-R. Lee, M.E. Schranz, A. Windsor, M. Clauss, A.J. Manzaneda, I. Naqvi, M. Reichelt, J. Gershenzon, S. Rupasinghe, M. Schuler, T. Mitchell-Olds, 2012.  A gain of function polymorphism controlling complex traits and fitness in nature. Science. 337: 1081-1084.
  45. J.T. Anderson, D.W. Inouye, A. McKinney, R. Colautti, and T. Mitchell-Olds, 2012. Phenotypic plasticity and adaptive evolution contribute to advancing flowering phenology in response to climate change. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences. 279: 3843-3852.  Recommended by Faculty of 1000.
  46. J.T. Anderson, J. Willis, and T. Mitchell-Olds, 2011.  Evolutionary genetics of plant adaptation. Trends in Genetics. 27(7): 258-266.
  47. J.T. Anderson, C.-R. Lee, and T. Mitchell-Olds, 2011. Life history QTLs and natural selection on flowering time in Boechera stricta, a wild relative of Arabidopsis. Evolution. 65(3): 771-787.
  48. M. Horn, S. Correa, P. Parolin, B. Pollux, J. T. Anderson, C. Lucas, P. Widmann, A. Tiju, M. Galetti and M. Goulding, 2011. Seed dispersal by fishes in tropical and temperate fresh waters: the growing evidence.  Acta Oecologia.  37: 561-577.
  49. J.T. Anderson and T. Mitchell-Olds, 2011. Ecological genetics and genomics of plant defences: Evidence and approaches.  Functional Ecology. 25: 312-324.
  50. J.T. Anderson, T. Nuttle, J. Saldaña Rojas*, T. Pendergast, A. Flecker, 2011. Extremely long-distance seed dispersal by an overfished Amazonian frugivore. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences. 278: 3329-3335.
  51. J.T. Anderson, J. Sparks and M. Geber, 2010. Phenotypic plasticity despite source-sink population dynamics in a long-lived perennial plant. New Phytologist. 188: 856-867.
  52. J.T. Anderson and M. Geber, 2010. Demographic source-sink dynamics restrict localadaptation in Elliott’s blueberry (Vaccinium elliottii).  Evolution. 64(2): 370-384.
  53. A. Flecker, A.S., P. McIntyre, J. Moore, J. T. Anderson, B. Taylor, R. Hall, Jr., 2010.  Migratory fishes as material and process subsidies in riverine ecosystems.  Pages: 559-592 In: Community Ecology of Stream Fishes, K. Geido and D. Jackson, eds. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland.
  54. J.T. Anderson, A. Landi*, P.L. Marks, 2009.  Limited flooding tolerance restricts adult distribution patterns of a perennial shrub (Itea virginica, Iteaceae).  American Journal of Botany.  96: 1603-1611.
  55. J.T. Anderson, J. Saldaña Rojas*, A.S. Flecker, 2009.  High quality seed dispersal by Amazonian fruit-eating fishes. Oecologia. 161: 279-290.
  56. J.T. Anderson, 2009. Positive density dependence in juveniles of two Neotropical tree species.  Journal of Vegetation Science. 20: 27-36.
  57. W. Carson, J.T. Anderson, E. Leigh, and S. Schnitzer, 2008.  Challenges associated with testing and falsifying the Janzen-Connell Hypothesis: A review and critique.  Pages: 210-241 In: Tropical Forest Community Ecology, W. Carson and S. Schnitzer, eds.  Blackwell Publishing.  Oxford, U.K.
  58. J.T. Anderson and D. Morse.  2001.  Pick-up lines: cues used by male crab spiders tofind reproductive females. Behavioral Ecology 12 (3): 360-366.

Other contributions

1. Anderson, J.T. and T. Mitchell-Olds, 2010. Beyond QTL Cloning. PLoS Genetics. 6 (11): e1001197.

2. Rypien, K., J.T. Anderson, J. Andras, R. Clark, G. Gerrish, J. Mandel, M. Nydam, D. Riskin. 2007. Students unite to create State of the Planet Course. Nature 447: 775.